✦📚 Tips and Guides of Finance & Data Analysis
Non-Operating Expenses: Mechanisms of Reporting
Steps to perform Comparable Company Analysis
Solvency Ratios
Types of Business Organizations
Different types of Revenue
EBITDA vs Operating Income: main differences
Components of Cash Flow Statement: some examples
Price-to-Earnings Ratio and its interpretations
Mix of equity and debt⚖️🤝
What’s the payback period?💸💰🕒 +example
Examples of 🔍📊💡 Intangibles Assets
Enterprise Value vs Equity Value
MCDonald’s 2022: higher Gross Profit and lower Food&Paper expense
Components of Equity
Equity, Market Capitalization and Paid in Capital
Tax expense in the income statement: is it a real expense?
Fair (Market) Value of Long-Term Debt
Research and Development: Asset and Expense
Goodwill: Accounting and Corporate Finance
Intangible Assets: Reporting and Analysis