Examples of 🔍📊💡 Intangibles Assets are:
🎨 Brand Names - Unique names that identify a company or its products, such as Nike or Coca-Cola.
💡 Intellectual Property - Non-physical assets that are created through intellectual effort, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
📝 Contracts - Legal agreements that create rights or obligations, such as licensing agreements or service contracts.
🎶 Copyrights - Exclusive rights granted to the creator of original works, such as books, music, and software.
📊 Goodwill - The value of a business beyond its physical assets, such as its reputation or customer base.
💻 Software - Computer programs and applications that are owned by a company or individual.
📈 Trade Secrets - Proprietary information that is kept confidential and provides a competitive advantage, such as secret formulas or manufacturing processes.
🌐 Domain Names - Web addresses used to identify a company or brand online, such as google.com or amazon.com